We will never forget you, our dear dogs.

Goldblood French Brutus aka Bubu (2016-2024)

Bubu was our fur child, our greatest treasure. He was a pet only, never bred. He slept next to my mother and followed her everywhere. We never thought we would lose him so young. Losing him has been very hard for us, we still can't get over it. I will never forget my dear puppy. I will always love you. The dog in the Goldblood French logo is Bubu.

Jacqueline Il Dago Ungherese aka Liza (2014-2024)

Liza was our first French bulldog. Her arrival changed our lives. The love for the breed started with her. She was a wonderful dog. She was the first one to run up to gme when I got home. He loved to go for walks and play big. She protected all the puppies. Unfortunately, at the age of 9, she developed cancer. She had three surgeries. Even then his affection and love for his owner never waned. My dear puppy! We will never forget you. You were everyone's dog mom. We love you very much. Forever.

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